MEet Tanya Nicole ThirLwall

"Why do I need a coach?”  “Why does my business need a coach?" "How did I get to this point"?

I was asked the question, at one point - when does someone get to you? At what point do they say, hey, I need to change and so does my business? 

When we start off going into business for ourselves, we do so because of specific why’s: We want to be our own boss. We could do it better ourselves. So you created your own opportunity when no one else would or did, or you simply decided to see if you could do it on your own. 


And you did. You’ve worked to accomplish what you have and now - you are burnt out. You more than likely have stepped away a bit, tried to figure out what you want to do for yourself and have realized that your business is now a business that provides jobs for people that rely on you and that you cannot solely rely on the business that you created for yourself for your why.  

For some, it’s finding someone that you can hire who will step in, you can groom or that can fix the issues you don’t want to, and then figure out what your next move will be. For others, it’s hiring an outside person to do the work for you. And those simple solutions ended up costing you more than it  should. 

While it can be awesome to find that golden apple that you can hire to do all the things you need done - that solution is wrong. 

”But why? How? I found this awesome person and they can solve all my problems.” 

From personal experience. 

I had some really great bosses along the way. And I had some that were not so great. What I have learned is that there are many ways to run a business, including a million ways of what not to do.  My most important lesson learned; that people work for people, not companies.

I have been the person that has been hired to be the the fixer. From a family business, to a business that was created to prove something, to creating a non-profit, - it starts with you, the owner, the person who had this vision of creating something fun. And because you are doing a disservice to the person you hired or the person you are grooming by subconsciously making them your scapegoat. It starts with you first, changing your mindset so that you can become the person that you wanted to be when you started your business.

And that’s when my light-bulb turned on. 

Accountability to yourself.

For it to be fun again, for it to be something that you enjoy, and to enjoy the awesome team you created. YOU don’t need someone to take over - not yet anyway - YOU need to make it fun again by removing the details that are tedious and writing down specific goals that can be attained - or simply getting back to that feeling when you first started.

And we can get there - because I learned a lot about what not to do. But more importantly, I learned better systems and processes along the way that would have made things better. What owners really need is to be accountable and to make the change that they want happen… but you have to put in the work.

Let’s work together in creating your solutions that will work for your business. 

And you found this page because you want to succeed - and I want you to.

Start the process with me